Members of the Court look forward to meeting members of the public and talk about the important work of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Visit Schedule
Meeting with the Public
The Supreme Court of Canada Can’t Wait to Meet You!
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at 3 p.m., Musée de la civilisation
The Supreme Court of Canada is coming to Quebec City in September to hear two important cases. While
in town, the nine judges will host a free public event to answer questions about:
▪ How does the Supreme Court decide Canada’s toughest legal questions?
▪ What do judges do?
▪ How does the Court decide questions about peoples’ rights and freedoms?
Guarantee yourself a seat by registering today!
The Supreme Court of Canada is one of the country’s most important institutions. It makes decisions that affect the lives of all Quebeckers.
Remember, this is not a legal information clinic. The judges can’t answer questions about specific cases.
Please arrive early to ensure you have enough time for security screening. Doors will open at 1:45 p.m. and security screening will start at 1:30 p.m.
Journalists and official photographers will be on site and you may be photographed. Photos may be used on the Court’s social media platforms and publications such as the annual Year in Review.
Words of Welcome from the Right Honourable Richard Wagner, P.C. at the Public Meeting
Engaging with Young People

The Supreme Court visit to Quebec City will extend beyond the courtroom and into the classroom. During the week, the nine justices are scheduled to visit several high schools as well as meeting with students at law school. They look forward to talking about the work of Canada’s top court and answering questions from the audience.
“Access to legal information remains a stubborn hurdle to making our justice system accessible to all.”
From the outset of his tenure as Chief Justice, Richard Wagner has found many ways to engage with young people in a meaningful way. It started when he invited high school students from Ottawa and Gatineau, Quebec to attend his official welcome ceremony in 2018.
“Access to legal information remains a stubborn hurdle to making our justice system accessible to all,” says Chief Justice Wagner. It is not hard to imagine how many legal problems could have been avoided if people had a better understanding of their rights, the courts and Canada’s justice system. After all, almost everyone will eventually have to deal with a legal issue, such as fighting a rent increase, incorporating a business or dealing with debt.
Being accessible to Canadians of all ages is but one way the Supreme Court builds confidence in Canada’s impartial and independent courts.