Contest rules

Art contest for the 150th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada 

Organized by the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (“ORSCC”)

The ORSCC invites all young people in Canada to display their creativity by producing a graphic artwork (drawing, painting, etc.) to mark the 150th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”).

The winning artworks may be used on the SCC’s website as well as in its social media communications and other publications.


The 150th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada.


This contest is open to all young people residing in Canada who will be between 5 and 17 years of age at the time of the work submission (proof of age will be required when the work is submitted). No purchase is necessary.

Only one entry per person is permitted, in one of the following three (3) categories:

A:  5 to 8 years 
B:  9 to 12 years
C:  13 to 17 years

Each original work must meet the following requirements:

  • in colour, unpublished and not subject to any copyright restrictions
  • on A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) or A3 (297 mm x 420 mm) size paper, in portrait or landscape mode
  • in traditional or digital format:
    • traditional: use coloured pencils, crayons, felt tip pens, markers, oil paint, watercolours, etc.
    • digital: resolution of 300 dpi or higher

Evaluation criteria

All eligible artworks will be evaluated by representatives of the ORSCC on the basis of adherence to the theme, creativity, originality and aesthetic quality.


The winners in each of the categories will receive the following prizes:

  • Certificate of appreciation
  • Supreme Court of Canada souvenir gift
  • Display of the artwork in the Supreme Court of Canada building
  • Publication in the Supreme Court of Canada’s 2025 Year in Review
  • In person or virtual meeting with the Chief Justice of Canada


Candidates must submit their work electronically or by mail.

A valid entry must include the following:

  • an original work with the candidate’s name and the entry category; in this regard, you represent and warrant to the ORSCC that you have all necessary rights and authorizations with respect to the work you are submitting for the Contest

  • a registration form duly completed by a parent, legal guardian or any other authorized person or organization with custody rights, access rights or parental authority in relation to the participant

* Entries not accompanied by all of the above documents will not be considered.

Submitting an entry for the Contest means that you have read the Contest rules and that you agree to comply with them.

For traditional (non digital) artworks

Submit by mail (DO NOT FOLD) to the attention of the ORSCC by 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time on March 31, 2025. The deadline was extended to allow more time for postal mail. Mail must be received by this deadline. No work will be accepted after this deadline for any reason whatsoever. Works received after this time will be rejected.

301 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0J1

* Please write the following on the mail to identify it: “Art contest for the 150th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada”.

For digital artworks

Submit by email to by 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time on March 31, 2025. The deadline was extended to allow more time for postal mail.
*Please use the subject line “Supreme Court of Canada 150th anniversary art contest”.
Please keep the original digital files.
No content submitted to the ORSCC will be returned to you.

Rules and terms

  • Works will be declared invalid if:
    • they are not created by participants between the ages of 5 and 17;
    • they are submitted late or are ineligible, incomplete, non compliant or forged;
    • there is a brand or a logo, like the logo of a sports team, business, restaurant or chain of cafés, anywhere on them;
    • they portray another person or a nation, country, ethnic group, race, religion, age group, sex, gender, sexual orientation or disability in a negative manner;
    • they contain elements that are deemed offensive or inappropriate, including but not limited to nudity, vulgarity or violence.
  • While participants retain copyright in the works submitted, by taking part in the Contest they grant the ORSCC the right to reproduce, publish, display and use the works in all media and by all means of distribution.
  • By entering the Contest, participants acknowledge that they have read the Contest rules and that they agree to comply with them.
  • Personal information provided by candidates will be used by the ORSCC solely for administrative purposes in connection with the Contest.
  • The Contest is not open to employees of the ORSCC or members of their families. The Contest is not open to family members of the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada.
  • The results will be announced on the Supreme Court of Canada’s website on May 31, 2025.
  • Prizes will be given to the winners by July 31, 2025.
  • Prizes must be accepted as is and may not be exchanged, reimbursed, sold or transferred. No substitutions will be permitted.
  • If it is impossible to provide a prize exactly as described in these rules, the ORSCC reserves the right to substitute an equivalent prize or item, at its complete discretion.
  • Refusal to accept a prize, in whole or in part, releases the ORSCC from any obligation to the winner with respect to the prize or part of the prize in question.
  • If the ORSCC determines (at its complete discretion) that a work violates the Contest rules, the work will be automatically disqualified from the Contest.
  • The ORSCC’s decisions concerning all aspects of the Contest, including but not limited to all decisions on the eligibility or disqualification of participants or works, are final and binding for all participants, with no right of appeal.
  • The ORSCC reserves the right to cancel or suspend the Contest at its sole discretion, for any reason whatsoever.
  • The ORSCC reserves the right to change, without notice, the Contest rules, the prizes or any terms. All changes made to the Contest rules will be posted on the Supreme Court of Canada’s website.


If you have any questions about the Contest, please contact us at the following email address:

Thank you for your participation.