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2021-2022 Supplementary Information Tables - Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus)

General information

Institutional GBA+ Capacity

The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (ORSCC) expects to create the GBA+ governance structure in 2021-2022 and to determine the scope of departmental activities required to ensure that GBA+ is implemented. This will include determining how each of the main programs (Court administration, Administration of the Judges Act for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada and Internal Services) will be impacted by the GBA+ program. Stakeholders from various areas of the ORSCC need to be engaged to ensure the success of the program.

A resource has been identified to examine program requirements and internal and interdepartmental consultations took place in late 2020.  In addition to the governance structure, the ORSCC will also identify a Champion and develop an action plan in 2021-2022.

Date modified: 2025-03-11