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2019-2020 Supplementary Information Tables - Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

General information
Governance structures The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada ("Office") has established a focus group made up of HR personnel and managers in order to develop a GBA+ implementation plan. All members of the group have been trained in GBA+. By September 2019, the Office expects to have an approved plan that will be integrated into decision-making processes across the organization over the next three years.
Human Resources

The Human Resources Branch will be responsible for coordinating the focus group as well as the development of the plan for approval by the Executive Committee.

Two (2) part-time resources will be dedicated to this project equivalent to 0.25 FTE.

Planned Initiatives

In 2019/20, the Office will:

- Continue focus group meetings to develop the plan and seek approval of senior management by September 2019 for implemenation across the organization.

Date modified: 2025-03-11