2022-2023 Supplementary Information Tables - Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)
Table of contents
Gender-based analysis plus
Section 1: institutional GBA Plus governance and capacity
The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (ORSCC) developed a draft GBA Plus Guideline and Plan for 2023-2025 as well as a GBA Plus tool with an approximate launch date of June 2024. The plan includes identifying the appropriate governance and implementation strategies to support the success of this program.
The ORSCC recently hired external consultants to help identify gaps and barriers in alignment with the Accessible Canada Act and the Accessible Canada Regulations. This endeavor has been instrumental in informing priorities for the GBA Plus Guideline and Plan. Among the priorities identified in the GBA Plus Plan is GBA+ training for all stakeholders including HR personnel and key personnel for each of the ORSCC’s main programs (Court Administration, Administration of the Judges Act for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, and Internal Services).
Section 2: gender and diversity impacts, by program
Core responsibility: The administration of Canada’s final court of appeal
Program name: Court Administration
Program goals: Court services and case management services in support of decision-making for applications for leave to appeal, motions and appeals; legal research services; law library support; judicial support to the Judges; coordination of Court-related activities; as well as public outreach and communications. Case management services include providing information to counsel and litigants; reviewing, validating and managing incoming documentation; processing applications for leave to appeal, appeals and motions; legal services to the Judges and Registrar/Deputy Registrar; scheduling appeal cases; courtroom management; recording proceedings; editing, summarizing and translating decisions of the Court; communicating decisions to the parties and public; reporting and publishing decisions, including the Supreme Court of Canada Reports.
Target population: Canadian public
Distribution of benefits: Not available
Program name: Administration of the Judges Act for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada
Program goals: Process salaries, annuities and allowances for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, as provided by the Judges Act. Provide the Judges timely and easily accessible information on these matters.
Target Population: SCC Judges
Distribution of Benefits: Not available
Program name: Internal Services
Program goals: Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.
Target Population: Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Employees
Distribution of Benefits: Not available
Key program impacts on gender and diversity
Key program impact statistics: Not available
Other key program impacts: Not available
GBA Plus data collection plan
Data collection and analysis tools are currently being developed following the finalization of the governance structure.