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2021-2022 Supplementary Information Tables - Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

Section 1: Institutional GBA Plus Capacity

The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (ORSCC) has continued work towards developing a GBA Plus governance structure in 2021-2022. This past year, following consultations, a GBA Plus policy and guidance tool have been drafted.

Section 2: Gender and Diversity Impacts, by Program

Core Responsibility: The administration of Canada’s final court of appeal

Program Name: Court Administration
Target Population: Canadian public
Distribution of Benefits: Not available

Program Name: Administration of the Judges’ Act for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada
Target Population: SCC Judges
Distribution of Benefits: Not available

Program Name: Internal Services
Target Population: Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Employees
Distribution of Benefits: Not available

Key Program impacts on Gender and diversity:

Not available

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

Data collection and analysis tools are currently being developed following the finalization of the governance structure.


Target Population:
See Finance Canada definition of Target Group in the User Instructions for the GBA Plus Departmental Summary
Date modified: 2025-03-11