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2020-2021 Supplementary Information Tables - Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

Section 1: Institutional GBA Plus Capacity

The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (ORSCC) has continued work towards developing a GBA Plus governance structure in 2020-2021. This year, research has been undertaken to determine program requirements, consultations have taken place with other departments, and a GBA Plus policy is being drafted.

Section 2: Gender and Diversity Impacts, by Program

Core Responsibility: The administration of Canada’s final court of appeal

Program Name: Court Administration
Target Population: Canadian public
Distribution of Benefits: Not available
Key Impacts: Not available
Other: Not available
Supplementary Information Sources: Not available
GBA Plus Data Collection Plan: Nothing to report for 2020-21.

Program Name: Administration of the Judges’ Act for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada
Target Population: SCC Judges
Distribution of Benefits: Not available
Key Impacts: Not available
Other: Not available
Supplementary Information Sources: Not available
GBA Plus Data Collection Plan: Nothing to report for 2020-21.

Program Name: Internal Services
Target Population: Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Employees
Distribution of Benefits: Not available
Key Impacts: Not available
Other: Not available
Supplementary Information Sources: Not available
GBA Plus Data Collection Plan: Nothing to report for 2020-21.

Core Responsibility: The administration of Canada’s final court of appeal

Program Name: Court Administration
Nothing to report.
Program Name: Administration of the Judges’ Act for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada
Nothing to report.
Program Name: Internal Services
Nothing to report.

Core Responsibility: The administration of Canada’s final court of appeal

Program Name: Court Administration
Nothing to report.
Program Name: Administration of the Judges’ Act for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada
Nothing to report.
Program Name: Internal Services
Nothing to report.


Target Population:
See Finance Canada definition of Target Group in the following document: User Instructions for the GBA+ Departmental Summary – Budget 2020 -
Gender Scale:
First group: Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men)
Second group: 60 per cent - 79 per cent men
Third group: Broadly gender-balanced
Forth group: 60 per cent - 79 per cent women
Fifth group: Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)
Income Level Scale:
First group: Strongly benefits low income individuals (Strongly progressive)
Second group: Somewhat benefits low income individuals (Somewhat progressive)
Third group: No significant distributional impacts
Forth group: Somewhat benefits high income individuals (Somewhat regressive)
Fifth group: Strongly benefits high income individuals (Strongly regressive)
Age Group Scale:
First group: Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations
Second group: No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors
Third group: Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation
Gender Results Framework Pillars:
see definitions at the following page: Gender Results Framework - Women and Gender Equality Canada
Quality of Life Domains:
See definitions in Annex 5 – Budget 2021 Impacts Report | Budget 2021
Date modified: 2025-03-11