Archived - Contract details
Reference number | C-2018-2019-Q1-0497 |
Procurement identification number | 1N001-18-3792 |
Vendor name | Canon Canada Inc. |
Contract date | 2018-06-05 |
Economic object code / Description | 0533 - Rental of Machinery, Office Furniture and Fixtures and Other Equipment |
Contract period / Delivery date | 2018-07-01 to 2023-06-30 |
Total contract value | $81,292.20 |
Original contract value | $81,292.20 |
Comments | This contract is a call-up against a Public Service and Procurement Canada procurement tool. |
Commodity type | S - Service |
Commodity code | WL3610C |
Country of origin | CA - Canada |
Solicitation procedure | TC - Traditional Competitive |
Limited tendering reason | 86 - Prices and/or Sources Fixed by Government Regulations |
Call-up or Contract against a Standing Offer or Supply Arrangement Agreement | PWSOSA - Call-up or Contract against a Standing Offer or Supply Arrangement Agreement established by PSPC. |
Standing Offer or Supply Arrangement Number | EZ107-120003/002/VAN |
Instrument type | SOSA - Standing Offer Agreement/Supply Arrangement Agreement |
Reporting period | 2018-04-01 to 2018-06-30 |
Detailed description |
Date modified: 2025-03-10