March 2017 - Allotting Time for Oral Argument
Please note the following changes to the practice for allotting time for oral argument at the hearing of an appeal, as provided for by Rule 59 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada.
All applicants for leave to intervene whose applications are granted, and who have requested time for oral argument, will be allotted five minutes. This is consistent with Rule 59(2) which states that, in an order granting leave to intervene, a judge may authorize an intervener to present oral argument and determine the time to be allotted for oral argument.
Five minutes will also be allotted to interveners named in subparagraphs 22(3)(c)(i), (iii) and (iv) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada.
A judge determining time allotments for interveners retains a discretion to allot some time other than five minutes, but five minutes will be the usual allotment.
Interveners are reminded that the purpose of an intervention is to provide relevant submissions that will be useful to the Court and different from those of the other parties. Interveners shall not make any statement with respect to the outcome of the appeal in their factum, as provided in Rule 42(3).
Counsel are reminded that videoconferencing services are available to all parties, including interveners, at no cost.
For further information, please contact any Registry officer at (613) 996-8666.
Roger Bilodeau, Q.C.