Calculating deadlines
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Date calculator
Deadlines in days
For a document that must be served or filed within a defined number of days before or after a specified event:
- do not include the day of the event when calculating the deadline
- do include:
- all other days, including weekends and holidays (see exceptions)
- the last day
Example 1: Applications for leave to appeal
To calculate the deadline for serving and filing an application for leave to appeal “within 60 days after the date of the judgment appealed from” (paragraph 58(1)(a) of the Supreme Court Act):
- do not include the date of the judgment appealed from (which means the date the judgment was pronounced, not the date the formal order was signed)
- do include the 60th day after the judgment
In this example, the date of the judgment appealed is April 30, so the application for leave to appeal must be served and filed by end of the day on June 29 (Eastern time).

Example 2: Response to an application for leave to appeal
The deadline for serving and filing a response to an application for leave to appeal is “within 30 days after the day on which a file is opened by the Court following the filing of an application for leave to appeal” or, if a file has already been opened, within 30 days after the service of an application for leave to appeal (subrule 27(1) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada).
To calculate the deadline:
- do not include the day the leave application was served or opened, as applicable
- do include the 30th day after the leave application was served or opened
In this example, the application for leave to appeal was served on May 2 and the response must be served and filed by the end of the day on June 1 (Eastern time).

Deadlines in weeks
For a document that must be served or filed within a defined number of weeks after a specified event:
- do not include the day of the event when calculating the deadline
- do include:
- all other days, including weekends and holidays (see exceptions)
- the last day (rule 5(1.1))
A week is counted 7 days at a time.
Example: Factums on appeal
An appellant’s factum must be served and filed within 8 weeks of the notice of appeal. The respondent’s factum on appeal must be served and filed “within 8 weeks after the service of the appellant’s factum” (subrule 36(2) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada).
In this example, the appellant’s factum was served on May 2. The respondent’s factum must be served and filed by the end of the day on June 27 (Eastern time).

Holidays and weekends
As a general rule, holidays and weekends are included in the calculation of time. There are some exceptions:
- If a deadline is less than 6 days, holidays and weekends are not included in the calculation.
- If the time limit for serving and filing a document expires or falls on a weekend or a holiday on which the Court is closed, the document may be served or filed on the following business day.
The Registry of the Supreme Court of Canada is closed on the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Victoria Day (Monday preceding May 25)
- Canada Day (if July 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Court is closed the following Monday)
- Civic Holiday (first Monday in August)
- Labour Day (first Monday in September)
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30)
- Thanksgiving Day (second Monday in October)
- Remembrance Day (if November 11 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Court is closed the following Monday)
- Christmas
- Boxing Day
However, please note that the Registry of the Supreme Court of Canada may be open on provincial and territorial holidays, including June 24 (National Day in Quebec) and the third Monday in February. Please contact the Registry if you have any questions about deadlines that expire on a provincial holiday.
Example 1:
A notice of appeal as of right must be served and filed “within 30 days after the date of the judgment appealed from” (paragraph 58(1)(b) of the Supreme Court Act). The date of the judgment appealed from is not included in the calculation of time. In this example, the date of the judgment appealed from is May 4 and the 30th day is a Sunday, so the notice of appeal as of right must be served and filed by the end of the day on the next business day, which is Monday June 4.

Note: May 21, which is a holiday (Victoria Day), is included in the calculation of time.
Example 2:
A reply must be filed “within five days after the service of the response to the motion” (subrule 50(1) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada). In this example, the response was served on April 3, so the deadline for serving and filing the reply is by the end of the day on April 12 because 2 holidays and 2 weekend days are excluded from the calculation. The shaded days, April 6 (Good Friday), April 7 and April 8 (weekend days) and April 9 (Easter Monday) are not counted in the calculation of time.

Some deadlines are suspended during the month of July and for the period between December 23 of one year and January 3 of the next year.
The month of July
The month of July is not included in the calculation of time for the serving and filing of the following documents:
- At the application for leave to appeal stage:
- Notices of application for leave to appeal (and all material necessary for the application)
- Responses to an application for leave to appeal
- Replies to a response to the application for leave to appeal
- Applications for leave to cross-appeal
- Responses on application for leave to cross-appeal
- Replies to a response on an application for leave to cross appeal
- At the appeal stage:
- Notices of appeal
- Motion (at any stage):
- All motions, except for a motion for leave to intervene in an appeal
- All responses, except for a response to a motion for leave to intervene in an appeal
- All replies, except for a reply to a response to a motion for leave to intervene in an appeal
The month of July is included in the calculation of time for the serving and filing of the following documents:
- At the appeal stage:
- Factums
- Books of authorities
- Records
- Notices of intervention respecting constitutional questions
- Motion:
- Motions for leave to intervene in an appeal
- Responses to motions for leave to intervene in an appeal
- Replies to a response to a motion for leave to intervene in an appeal
A notice of appeal as of right must be served and filed “within 30 days after the date of the judgment appealed from” (paragraph 58(1)(b) of the Supreme Court Act). In this example, the judgment appealed from was rendered on June 21. The shaded days in the month of July are not counted. The 30-day time limit for serving and filing the notice of appeal expires on August 21.

Holiday recess period from December 23 to January 3
The period beginning on December 23 in a year and ending on January 3 inclusively in the following year is not included in the calculation of deadlines in the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, except for the service and filing of a notice of constitutional question.
Because the deadlines for the documents listed below are imposed by statute (Paragraph 58 of the Supreme Court Act), there is no suspension of the time limits for the serving and filing of the following documents:
- Notices of application for leave to appeal (and all material necessary for the application)
- Notices of appeal
If you are served with a document during the holiday recess period, the calculation of your deadline for serving and filing any documents in response starts on January 4, even if this day falls on a weekend. The only exception to this is the calculation of a deadline for filing a reply to a response to a motion. In this case, the 5-day deadline is calculated from the first day after January 4 that is not a weekend.
Example 1: Deadlines in days
The deadline for serving and filing a response to an application for leave to appeal is 30 days after the leave application was served. To calculate the deadline:
- do not include the day the leave application was served
- do include the 30th day after the leave application was served or opened
In this example, the application for leave to appeal was served on December 14 and the response must be served and filed by the end of the day on January 25 (Eastern time).

The shaded days from December 23 to January 3 (the holiday recess period) are not included in the calculation of time.
Example 2: Deadlines in weeks
Within two weeks after being served with the factum in a cross-appeal, an appellant may serve and file a factum in response to the cross-appeal. In this example, the factum on cross-appeal was served on December 14 and the factum in response to the cross-appeal must be served and filed by the end of the day on January 9 (Eastern time).

The shaded days from December 23 to January 3 (the holiday recess period) are not included in the calculation of time. A week is counted 7 days at a time (Rule 5(1.1)).