Requesting a Speaker from the Court


To request a speaker from the Court for an event, please fill out and submit this electronic form. Most requested information is mandatory.

You will receive a confirmation by email.

It will be easier for us to accommodate your request if we receive it well in advance. While we are not always able to accommodate all requests, we are committed to do our best and to confirm our response as quickly as possible.

A. Information About the Requested Speaker
B. General Information about the Request
C. Requester (Contact) Information
D. Speech Information
E. Audience Information
F. Event Information
G. Event Logistics and Agenda
H. Additional Information
I. Documents

Please attach a draft or final copies of the agenda and promotional materials for this event including any preferred hashtags or social media content.


If your request is accepted and you wish to use a photo of a Supreme Court of Canada judge in any promotional materials, you must use one of the official photos from the Supreme Court’s website. Photographs of the Supreme Court of Canada's judges may be used or reproduced without any additional written permission as long as you do not modify the image, use them for any commercial purpose, and use the photo credit shown on the Court’s website.

Should you require any further information about an SCC judge, please refer to their official biography on the Supreme Court’s website.