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Jim Shot Both Sides, et al. v. His Majesty the King
(Federal) (Civil) (By Leave)
Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.
Date | Proceeding | Filed By (if applicable) |
2024-12-11 | Appeal closed | |
2024-04-12 | Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties | |
2024-04-12 | Judgment on appeal and notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties | |
2024-04-12 |
Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ Côt Row Mar Kas Ja Ob, The appeal from the judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal, Number A-329-19, 2022 FCA 20, dated February 10, 2022, heard on October 12, 2023, is allowed in part and it is declared that: Under the treaty land entitlement provisions of Treaty No. 7, the Blood Tribe was entitled to a reserve equal to 710 square miles in area; The Blood Tribe’s current reserve is 162.5 square miles smaller in area than what was promised in Treaty No. 7; and Canada, having provided the Blood Tribe with a reserve of 547.5 square miles in area, dishonourably breached the treaty land entitlement provisions of Treaty No. 7. The appellants are awarded their costs throughout. Allowed in part, with costs |
2024-02-22 | Supplemental document, (Letter Form), Corrected reasons of the FCA, Completed on: 2024-02-28, (Printed version due on 2024-02-29) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-10-25 | Transcript received, 148 Pages | |
2023-10-12 | Judgment reserved OR rendered with reasons to follow | |
2023-10-12 | Hearing of the appeal, 2023-10-12, CJ Côt Row Mar Kas Ja Ob | |
2023-10-11 | Correspondence received from, (Letter Form), Correspondence concerning Blood Tribe members present at the hearing | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-10-10 | Intervener's condensed book, (Book Form) | Attorney General of Saskatchewan |
2023-10-10 | Appellant's condensed book, (Book Form) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-10-10 | Correspondence received from, (Letter Form), Correspondence regarding ceremonial procession and songs to be completed outdoors in front of the Court | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-10-10 | Respondent's condensed book, (Book Form), (Printed version due on 2023-10-17) | His Majesty the King |
2023-10-10 | Intervener's condensed book, (Book Form), Amended version received (2023-10-10), (Printed version due on 2023-10-17) | Attorney General of Alberta |
2023-10-10 | Notice of Remote Participation by a Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada sent to all parties | |
2023-09-22 |
Supplemental document, (Book Form), Supplemental Book of Authorities , Completed on: 2023-09-25, (Printed version filed on 2023-09-25) |
Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-09-21 | Notice of appearance, (Letter Form), Dianne Corbiere, Catherine Boies Parker, Christopher Albinat will appear before the Court. Dianne Corbiere will present oral argument., (Printed version due on 2023-09-28) | Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek |
2023-09-19 |
Notice of appearance, Neil Dobson and Heather A. Campbell will appear before the Court and Neil Dobson will present oral argument. |
Attorney General of Alberta |
2023-09-19 |
Notice of appearance, Carly Fox will appear before the Court and will present oral argument. |
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs |
2023-09-18 |
Notice of appearance, Mr. Stuart Wuttke, Mr. Adam Williamson and Ms. Lacey Kassis will appear before the Court and Mr. Williamson will present oral argument. |
Assembly of First Nations |
2023-09-15 | Notice of appearance, Dayna Anderson, Anusha Aruliah and Amy Martin-LeBlanc will be attending in person at the hearing. Dayna Anderson will be making submissions to the court on behalf of the Respondent. | His Majesty the King |
2023-09-15 |
Notice of appearance, (Letter Form), AMENDED Me Marie-Claude André-Grégoire and Me Isabelle Boisvert-Chastenay will appear remotely via Zoom at the hearing. Me Isabelle Boisvert-Chastenay will be presenting oral submissions. |
Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam |
2023-09-14 | Notice of appearance, (Letter Form), Gary Befus, Brendan Miller, Eugene Meehan, K.C. and Thomas Slade will be attending in person at the hearing. Mr. Befus and Mr. Miller will be making submissions to the court on behalf of the Appellants. | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-09-14 | Notice of appearance, (Letter Form), Richard Ogden and Imran Kamal will appear remotely via Zoom at the hearing. Mr. Ogden will be presenting oral submissions. | Attorney General of Ontario |
2023-09-14 | Notice of appearance, (Letter Form), P. Mitch McAdam, K.C. will all be appearing for the intervener and will be making oral submissions at the hearing. | Attorney General of Saskatchewan |
2023-09-12 | Notice of appearance, Kate Gunne will all be appearing for the intervener and will be making oral submissions at the hearing. | Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta |
2023-09-11 | Notice of appearance, (Letter Form), David M. Robbins, Jessica Proudfoot and Alexis C. Giannelia are counsel for the intervener. Greg Allen will be making oral submissions at the hearing. | Cowichan Tribes, Stz'Uminus First Nation, Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation |
2023-08-18 | Respondent's book of authorities, (Book Form), for the Reply Factum, Completed on: 2023-08-18, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-18) | His Majesty the King |
2023-08-18 | Reply factum on appeal, Completed on: 2023-08-18, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-18) | His Majesty the King |
2023-08-17 | Reply factum on appeal, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-18, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-18) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-08-04 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-09, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-10) | Attorney General of Ontario |
2023-08-04 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-09, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-10) | Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-04, (Electronic version filed on 2023-08-04) | Assembly of First Nations |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Electronic version filed on 2023-08-04) | Attorney General of Alberta |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Lac La Ronge |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Attorney General of Saskatchewan |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Cowichan Tribes, Stz'Uminus First Nation, Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation |
2023-08-03 | Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-08-03, (Printed version filed on 2023-08-03) | Cowichan Tribes, Stz'Uminus First Nation, Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation |
2023-07-14 | Supplemental document, Corrected Reasons for Judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal, dated July 13, 2023., Completed on: 2023-08-22 | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-07-14 | Correspondence received from, regarding a revised set of reasons from the Court of Appeal. | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-06-27 | Notice of hearing sent to parties, via email. | |
2023-06-27 | Appeal hearing scheduled, 2023-10-12 | |
2023-06-26 | Certificate (on limitations to public access), Form 23A, (Printed version filed on 2023-06-26) | His Majesty the King |
2023-06-26 | Respondent's book of authorities, (Book Form), (2 volumes), Completed on: 2023-06-26, (Printed version filed on 2023-06-26) | His Majesty the King |
2023-06-26 | Respondent's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-26, (Printed version filed on 2023-06-26) | His Majesty the King |
2023-06-23 | Order on motion for leave to intervene, by JAMAL J. | |
2023-06-23 |
Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, Ja, UPON APPLICATIONS by the Attorney General of Saskatchewan; Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta; Lac La Ronge; Tsawout First Nation; Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam; the Attorney General of Alberta; Siksika Nation; Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek; the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs; Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians; the Attorney General of Ontario; Cowichan Tribes, Stz’Uminus First Nation, Penelakut tribe and Halalt First Nation (jointly; Red Rock First Nation and Whitesand First Nation (jointly); Duncan’s First Nation; the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations; the Assembly of First Nations; and Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation, Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation, Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabeg and Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (jointly) for leave to intervene in the above appeal; AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: The motions for leave to intervene filed by Tsawout First Nation; Siksika Nation; Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians; Red Rock First Nations and Whitesand First Nation (jointly); Duncan’s First Nation; and Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation, Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation, Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabeg and Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (jointly) are dimissed. The motions for leave to intervene filed by the Attorney General of Saskatchewan; Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta; Lac La Ronge; Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam; the Attorney General of Alberta; Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek; the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs; the Attorney General of Ontario; Cowichan Tribes, Stz’Uminus First Nation, Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation (jointly); the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations; and the Assembly of First Nations are granted. The eleven (11) interveners or groups of interveners shall each be entitled to serve and file a single factum not to exceed ten (10) pages in length on or before August 4, 2023. The eleven (11) interveners or groups of interveners are granted- permission to present oral argument not exceeding five (5) minutes at the hearing of the appeal. The appellants and respondent are granted permission to each serve and file a single factum in response to all interventions, not to exceed five (5) pages in length, on or before August 18, 2023. The interveners or group of interveners are not entitled to raise new issues or to adduce further evidence or otherwise to supplement the record of the parties. Pursuant to Rule 59(1)(a) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, the interveners or groups of interveners shall pay to the appellants and the respondent any additional disbursements resulting from their interventions. Judgment accordingly |
2023-06-21 | Submission of motion for leave to intervene, Ja | |
2023-06-09 | Letter advising the parties of tentative hearing date and filing deadlines (Leave granted) | |
2023-06-08 | Response to the motion for leave to intervene, (Letter Form), Completed on: 2023-06-12, (Printed version filed on 2023-06-09) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-06-08 | Response to the motion for leave to intervene, (Letter Form), Completed on: 2023-06-12 | His Majesty the King |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation, Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation, Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek and Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), MISSING: Filing Fee, Incomplete, (Printed version filed on 2023-06-02) | Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation, Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation, Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek and Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-05-31, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-30) | Assembly of First Nations |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-05-31, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Duncan's First Nation |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-01, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Duncan's First Nation |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Red Rock First Nation and Whitesand First Nation |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-09, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Red Rock First Nation and Whitesand First Nation |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Cowichan Tribes, Stz'Uminus First Nation, Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-01, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-30) | Cowichan Tribes, Stz'Uminus First Nation, Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-02, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Attorney General of Ontario |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name, (Letter Form), (Printed version filed on 2023-05-31) | Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-21, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-31) | Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-01, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs |
2023-05-29 | Intervener's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-05-30 | Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-09, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Siksika Nation |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-13, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Siksika Nation |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-09, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Attorney General of Alberta |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-01, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Tsawout First Nation |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-01, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Tsawout First Nation |
2023-05-29 | Notice of name | Lac La Ronge |
2023-05-29 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-13, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Lac La Ronge |
2023-05-26 | Notice of name | Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta |
2023-05-26 | Intervener's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-05-30 | Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta |
2023-05-26 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-05-30, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-29) | Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta |
2023-05-26 | Motion for leave to intervene, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-06-09, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-26) | Attorney General of Saskatchewan |
2023-05-01 | Certificate of counsel (attesting to record), Form 24, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-01) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-05-01 | Appellant's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-05-01, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-01) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-05-01 | Appellant's record, (Book Form), (2 volumes), Amended volume I rec'd 2023-07-14, Completed on: 2023-05-01, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-01) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-05-01 | Appellant's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2023-05-01, (Printed version filed on 2023-05-01) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-03-06 | Notice of appeal, Completed on: 2023-03-06, (Printed version filed on 2023-03-06) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2023-02-02 | Copy of formal judgment sent to Registrar of the Court of Appeal and all parties | |
2023-02-02 | Judgment on leave sent to the parties | |
2023-02-02 |
Judgment of the Court on the application for leave to appeal, The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal, Number A-329-19, 2022 FCA 20, dated February 10, 2022, is granted with costs in the cause. Granted, with costs in the cause |
2022-12-12 | All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, for consideration by the Court | |
2022-07-25 | Applicant's reply to respondent's argument, (Book Form), Completed on: 2022-07-27, (Printed version filed on 2022-07-29) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2022-06-29 | Certificate (on limitations to public access), (Letter Form), (Printed version due on 2022-07-07) | His Majesty the King |
2022-06-29 | Respondent's response on the application for leave to appeal, (Book Form), Completed on: 2022-07-06, (Printed version due on 2022-07-07) | His Majesty the King |
2022-05-31 | Letter acknowledging receipt of a complete application for leave to appeal, FILE OPENED 2022-05-31 | |
2022-04-11 | Certificate (on limitations to public access), (Letter Form), (Printed version filed on 2022-04-19) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2022-04-11 | Notice of name, (Letter Form), (Printed version filed on 2022-04-19) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
2022-04-11 | Application for leave to appeal, (Book Form), Completed on: 2022-04-11, (Printed version filed on 2022-04-19) | Jim Shot Both Sides |
Please note that in the case of closed files, the “Status” column reflects the status of the parties at the time of the proceedings. For more information about the proceedings and about the dates when the file was open, please consult the docket of the case in question.
Main parties
Name | Role | Status |
Shot Both Sides, Jim | Appellant | Active |
Fox, Roy | Appellant | Active |
Fox, Charles | Appellant | Active |
Fox, Steven | Appellant | Active |
Fox, Theresa | Appellant | Active |
Tailfeathers, Lester | Appellant | Active |
Eagle Bear, Gilbert | Appellant | Active |
Mistaken Chief, Phillip | Appellant | Active |
Standing Alone, Pete | Appellant | Active |
Yellow Feet, Rose | Appellant | Active |
Goodstriker, Rufus | Appellant | Active |
Healy, Leslie | Appellant | Active |
Councillors of the Blood Band, for themselves and on behalf of the Indians of Blood Band Reserve number 148 | Appellant | Active |
Blood Reserve number 148 | Appellant | Active |
Name | Role | Status |
His Majesty the King | Respondent | Active |
Other parties
Name | Role | Status |
Attorney General of Saskatchewan | Intervener | Active |
Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta | Intervener | Active |
Lac La Ronge | Intervener | Active |
Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam | Intervener | Active |
Attorney General of Alberta | Intervener | Active |
Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek | Intervener | Active |
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs | Intervener | Active |
Attorney General of Ontario | Intervener | Active |
Cowichan Tribes, Stz'Uminus First Nation, Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation | Intervener | Active |
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations | Intervener | Active |
Assembly of First Nations | Intervener | Active |
Party: Shot Both Sides, Jim
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Fox, Roy
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Fox, Charles
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Fox, Steven
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Fox, Theresa
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Tailfeathers, Lester
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Eagle Bear, Gilbert
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Mistaken Chief, Phillip
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Standing Alone, Pete
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Yellow Feet, Rose
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Goodstriker, Rufus
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Healy, Leslie
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Councillors of the Blood Band, for themselves and on behalf of the Indians of Blood Band Reserve number 148
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Blood Reserve number 148
Paul Reid
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
Thomas Slade
Brendan Miller
2800, 804 - 6th Avenue South West
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A3
Telephone: (403) 267-8400
FAX: (403) 264-9400
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: His Majesty the King
Anusha Aruliah
Amy Martin-LeBlanc
National Litigation Sector
601 – 400 St. Mary Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 4K5
Telephone: (204) 294-5563
Department of Justice Canada
50 O'Connor Street, Suite 500
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8
Telephone: (613) 670-6290
FAX: (613) 954-1920
Party: Attorney General of Saskatchewan
820 - 1874 Scarth St
Constitutional Law Branch
Regina, Saskatchewan
S3P 3B3
Telephone: (306) 787-7846
FAX: (306) 787-9111
160 Elgin Street
Suite 2600
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1C3
Telephone: (613) 786-8695
FAX: (613) 788-3509
Party: Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta
Kate Gunn
73 Water Street, 6th Floor
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6A 0A5
Telephone: (604) 688-4272
FAX: (604) 688-4282
55 Murray Street
Suite 230
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5M3
Telephone: (613) 701-6577
FAX: (613) 722-9097
Party: Lac La Ronge
Eric L. Pentland
Suite 900, Bell Tower
10104 - 103 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0H8
Telephone: (825) 480-6320
FAX: (825) 480-6325
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0J8
Telephone: (613) 282-1712
FAX: (613) 288-2896
Party: Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam
Marie-Claude André-Grégoire
Isabelle Boisvert-Chastenay
Michelle Corbu
1155 Robert-Bourassa
Suite 1007
Montréal, Quebec
H3B 3A7
Telephone: (514) 871-8117
FAX: (514) 871-9177
340 Gilmour Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580
Party: Attorney General of Alberta
Heather A. Campbell
1670, 639 - 5th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 0M9
Telephone: (403) 355-4734
FAX: (403) 476-4598
160 Elgin Street
Suite 2600
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1C3
Telephone: (613) 786-8695
FAX: (613) 788-3509
Party: Robinson Huron Treaty Anishinaabek
Dianne G. Corbiere
Chris E.J. Albinati
Daniel McCoy
Catherine J. Boies Parker. K.C.
5884 Rama Road
Suite 109
Rama, Ontario
L3V 6H6
Telephone: (705) 325-0520
FAX: (705) 325-7204
2600 – 160 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1C3
Telephone: (613) 786-0211
FAX: (613) 788-3573
Party: Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
Niki Bains
Ethan Fox
1120 - 17 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2T 0B4
Telephone: (403) 910-5392
FAX: (403) 407-7795
43 Florence Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0W6
Telephone: (613) 237-4740
FAX: (613) 232-2680
Party: Attorney General of Ontario
Imran Kamal
720 Bay Street, 8th floor
Crown Law Office - Civil
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2S9
Telephone: (416) 573-9263
FAX: (416) 326-4181
50 O'Connor Street, Suite 1313
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 6L2
Telephone: (613) 702-5573
FAX: (613) 702-5573
Party: Cowichan Tribes, Stz'Uminus First Nation, Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation
Michelle L. Bradley
Jessica Proudfoot
Candice Charlie
844 Courtney Street, 2nd Floor
Victoria, British Columbia
V8W 1C4
Telephone: (250) 383-2356
FAX: (250) 380-6560
270 Albert Street
Suite 1400
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5G8
Telephone: (613) 482-2459
FAX: (613) 235-3041
Party: Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations
Ronald S. Maurice
Melanie P. Webber
602 12th Avenue SW, Suite 100
Calgary, Alberta
T2R 1J3
Telephone: (403) 266-1201
FAX: (403) 266-2701
Party: Assembly of First Nations
Adam Williamson
Jeremy Kolodziej
Lacey Kassis
55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1600
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 6L5
Telephone: (613) 241-6789 Ext: 228
FAX: (613) 241-5808
440 Laurier Ave. West
Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 7X6
Telephone: (613) 691-1224
FAX: (613) 691-1338
Aboriginal law — Treaty rights — Treaty 7 — Limitation of actions — Breach of treaty as cause of action —Whether breach of treaty was actionable in Canadian courts prior to the coming into force of s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 — Whether limitation periods for breach of treaty claims began to run prior to the passage of s. 35 — Limitation of Actions Act, R.S.A. 1970, c. 209; Federal Courts Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-7 <br>
Case summaries are prepared by the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (Law Branch). Please note that summaries are not provided to the Judges of the Court. They are placed on the Court file and website for information purposes only.
On September 22, 1877, the Blackfoot Confederacy and the Crown executed Treaty 7, which established Reserve No. 148, the largest reserve in Canada. It is the home of the Kainai, or Blood Tribe. Under the Treaty, the size of the reserve was to be established through a formula promising “one square mile for each family of five persons, or in that proportion for larger and smaller families”. The Blood Tribe has long claimed that the actual size of its reserve did not accord with that promised by the Treaty and, in 1980, commenced an action in the Federal Court.
For decades the action sat in abeyance. In 2016, the court held phase I of the trial of the action, for the purpose of receiving oral history evidence from aging members of the Blood Tribe. Phase II commenced in 2018 to hear fact and expert witness evidence, and to make a determination on liability.
At the completion of phase II, the trial judge found that the Blood Tribe’s claims were discoverable more than six years before the action was commenced in 1980 and, with the exception of a claim for breach of treaty, were therefore time-barred through the operation of The Limitation of Actions Act, R.S.A. 1970, c. 209 and s. 39 of the Federal Courts Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-7.
The trial judge held that an action for breach of a treaty commitment could not be pursued in a Canadian court prior to the advent of s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Therefore, for the purposes of the limitations statute, time for a breach of treaty claim only began to run in 1982.
The trial judge found that Canada was in breach of its treaty commitment, and that the size of the Reserve was understated by 162.5 square miles. The Crown appealed. The Federal Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and varied the Federal Court’s judgment to state that all claims of the Blood Tribe were time-barred.
Lower court rulings
Breach of treaty claim allowed; all other claims dismissed as time-barred
Appeal allowed
Memorandums of argument on application for leave to appeal
The memorandums of argument on an application for leave to appeal will be posted here 30 days after leave to appeal has been granted unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of the memorandum by filing out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.
If you have questions about a memorandum of argument or want to use a memorandum of argument, please contact the author of the memorandum of argument directly. Their name appears at the end of the memorandum of argument. The contact information for counsel is found in the “Counsel” tab of this page.
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Factums on appeal
The factums of the appellant, the respondent and the intervener will be posted here at least 2 weeks before the hearing unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of factums by filling out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.
If you have questions about a factum or want permission to use a factum, please contact the author of the factum directly. Their contact information appears on the first page of each factum.
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