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Darren Caley Daniel Sundman v. Her Majesty The Queen

(British Columbia) (Criminal) (As of Right)


Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.

List of proceedings
Date Proceeding Filed By
(if applicable)
2022-07-28 Appeal closed
2022-07-21 Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties
2022-07-21 Judgment on appeal and notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties
2022-07-21 Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ Mo Ka Côt Br Row Mar Kas Ja, The appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for British Columbia (Vancouver), Number CA45275, 2021 BCCA 53, dated February 9, 2021, heard on December 9, 2021, is dismissed.
2021-12-29 Transcript received, 47 pages
2021-12-09 Judgment reserved OR rendered with reasons to follow
2021-12-09 Hearing of the appeal, 2021-12-09, CJ Mo Ka Côt Br Row Mar Kas Ja
Judgment reserved
2021-12-07 Appellant's condensed book, (Book Form) Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-12-07 Respondent's condensed book, (Book Form) Her Majesty The Queen
2021-11-25 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, Correspondence regarding upcoming Zoom hearing
2021-11-09 Notice of appearance, (Letter Form), Megan A. Street will appear before the Court and present oral argument., (Printed version due on 2021-11-17) Her Majesty The Queen
2021-11-09 Notice of appearance, (Letter Form), Daniel J. Song and Elliot Holzman will appear before the Court. Mr. Song will be delivering oral submissions., (Printed version due on 2021-11-17) Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-11-04 Correspondence sent to all Counsel by Deputy Registrar, Letter of Direction from the Acting Registrar, relating to the December hearings
2021-07-16 Certificate of counsel (attesting to record), (Letter Form), 24B, (Printed version filed on 2021-07-16) Her Majesty The Queen
2021-07-16 Certificate (on limitations to public access), (Letter Form), 23A, (Printed version filed on 2021-07-16) Her Majesty The Queen
2021-07-16 Respondent's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2021-08-20, (Printed version filed on 2021-07-16) Her Majesty The Queen
2021-07-16 Respondent's record, (Book Form), Completed on: 2021-08-20, (Printed version filed on 2021-07-16) Her Majesty The Queen
2021-07-16 Respondent's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2021-08-20, (Printed version filed on 2021-07-16) Her Majesty The Queen
2021-06-28 Notice of hearing sent to parties
2021-06-28 Appeal hearing scheduled, 2021-12-09
Judgment reserved
2021-05-21 Certificate of counsel (attesting to record), (Letter Form), 24A, (Printed version filed on 2021-05-21) Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-05-21 Appellant's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2021-06-09, (Printed version filed on 2021-05-21) Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-05-21 Appellant's record, (Book Form), Completed on: 2021-06-09, (Printed version filed on 2021-05-21) Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-05-21 Appellant's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2021-06-09, (Printed version filed on 2021-05-21) Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-05-12 Order on motion to extend time, by the Chief Justice
2021-05-12 Decision on motion to extend time, CJ, UPON APPLICATION by the appellant to extend the time to serve and file his factum, record and book of authorities, if any, to May 21, 2021;

AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;

AND NOTING the consent of the respondent;


The motion is granted and the appellant shall serve and file its factum, record and book of authorities, if any, on or before May 21, 2021.

The respondent shall serve and file its factum, record and book of authorities, if any, on or before July 16, 2021.

2021-05-12 Submission of motion to extend time, CJ
2021-05-05 Letter advising the parties of tentative hearing date and filing deadlines (Notice of appeal – As of right), (sent by email)
2021-05-04 Response to motion to extend time, Completed on: 2021-05-04 Her Majesty The Queen
2021-05-04 Motion to extend time, (Book Form), to serve and file the appellant's factum, Completed on: 2021-05-04 Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-04-13 Correspondence received from, from Daniel J. Song, Re: request for extension to serve and file their factum Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-03-19 Letter acknowledging receipt of a notice of appeal, FILE OPENED 2021-03-19
2021-03-11 Certificate (on limitations to public access), (Letter Form), (Printed version due on 2021-03-18) Darren Caley Daniel Sundman
2021-03-11 Notice of appeal, (Book Form), require: filing fee (rec'd 2021-05-19), Completed on: 2021-05-20, (Printed version due on 2021-03-18) Darren Caley Daniel Sundman


Please note that in the case of closed files, the “Status” column reflects the status of the parties at the time of the proceedings. For more information about the proceedings and about the dates when the file was open, please consult the docket of the case in question.

Main parties

Main parties - Appellants
Name Role Status
Sundman, Darren Caley Daniel Appellant Active


Main parties - Respondents
Name Role Status
Her Majesty The Queen Respondent Active


Party: Sundman, Darren Caley Daniel

Daniel J. Song, KC
Elliot Holzman
Pringle Chivers Sparks Teskey
1720 - 355 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6C 2G8
Telephone: (604) 669-7447
FAX: (604) 259-6171
Michael J. Sobkin
331 Somerset Street West
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0J8
Telephone: (613) 282-1712
FAX: (613) 288-2896

Party: Her Majesty The Queen

Megan A. Street
Attorney General of British Columbia
6th Floor - 865 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6Z 2G3
Telephone: (604) 660-1126
FAX: (604) 660-1133
Matthew Estabrooks
Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP
2600 - 160 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1C3
Telephone: (613) 786-0211
FAX: (613) 563-9869



Criminal law - Elements of offence - First degree murder - Unlawful confinement - Whether the trial judge’s finding that there was an insufficient temporal-causal nexus between the unlawful confinement and murder is a finding of fact which the Crown could not appeal - Whether the trial judge erred in law by implicitly importing a requirement that a person be physically restrained before being unlawfully confined under the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46.


Case summaries are prepared by the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (Law Branch). Please note that summaries are not provided to the Judges of the Court. They are placed on the Court file and website for information purposes only.

At trial before judge alone, the appellant, Mr. Sundman, was acquitted of first degree murder but convicted of the included offence of second degree murder. The trial judge found that Mr. Sundman could not be convicted of first degree murder pursuant to s. 231(5)(e) of the Criminal Code because, at the time of the shooting, the victim’s confinement had come to an end.

The Crown appealed the acquittals of first degree murder and Mr. Sundman appealed the conviction for second degree murder. A unanimous Court of Appeal dismissed Mr. Sundman’s appeal but allowed the Crown’s appeal from the acquittal of first degree murder, set aside the conviction for second degree murder and entered a verdict of guilty for first degree murder. The Court of Appeal held that the trial judge erred in law in addressing the scope of the offence of unlawful confinement. It went on to explain that even assuming that the trial judge’s conclusion that the act of confinement to which Mr. Sundman was a party had ended moments before the killing did not give rise to an appealable error in law, the trial judge nonetheless erred in law by requiring proof that the confinement and the killing occurred simultaneously. By doing so, the trial judge committed an error of law in applying R. v. Paré, [1987] 2 S.C.R. 618. The court held that on the factual findings made by the judge, Mr. Sundman was guilty of first degree murder and the judge erred in law by failing to come to this conclusion.

Lower court rulings

April 13, 2018
Supreme Court of British Columbia

2018 BCSC 602 ;, 42212 ;

Appellant convicted of second degree murder

February 9, 2021
Court of Appeal for British Columbia (Vancouver)

2021 BCCA 53 ;, CA45275 ;

Appellant's appeal dismissed; respondent's appeal allowed: verdict of first degree murder entered

Memorandums of argument on application for leave to appeal

The memorandums of argument on an application for leave to appeal will be posted here 30 days after leave to appeal has been granted unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of the memorandum by filing out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.

If you have questions about a memorandum of argument or want to use a memorandum of argument, please contact the author of the memorandum of argument directly. Their name appears at the end of the memorandum of argument. The contact information for counsel is found in the “Counsel” tab of this page.

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Factums on appeal

The factums of the appellant, the respondent and the intervener will be posted here at least 2 weeks before the hearing unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of factums by filling out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.

If you have questions about a factum or want permission to use a factum, please contact the author of the factum directly. Their contact information appears on the first page of each factum.

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Date modified: 2025-02-27