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Marilyne Dionne v. Commission scolaire des Patriotes, et al.

(Quebec) (Civil) (By Leave)


Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.

List of proceedings
Date Proceeding Filed By
(if applicable)
2015-03-26 Appeal closed
2015-03-26 Certificate of taxation issued to, Mr. Denis Lavoie
2015-03-26 Decision on the bill of costs, in the amount of $21,673.02, DeRg
2015-03-26 Submission of the bill of costs, DeRg
2014-09-16 Bill of costs, Completed on: 2014-09-16 Marilyne Dionne
2014-05-02 Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties
2014-05-02 Judgment on appeal and notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties
2014-05-01 Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ Abe Cro Mo Ka, The appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Quebec (Montréal), Number 500-09-020678-108, 2012 QCCA 609, dated April 2, 2012, heard on January 13, 2014, is allowed with costs throughout.
Allowed, with costs
2014-01-24 Transcript received, (110 pages)
2014-01-13 Judgment reserved OR rendered with reasons to follow
2014-01-13 Intervener's condensed book, Submitted in Court (14 copies) Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement
2014-01-13 Intervener's condensed book, Submitted in Court (14 copies) Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
2014-01-13 Respondent's condensed book, Submitted in Court (14 copies) Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2014-01-13 Appellant's condensed book, Submitted in Court (14 copies) Marilyne Dionne
2014-01-13 Hearing of the appeal, 2014-01-13, CJ Abe Cro Mo Ka
Judgment reserved
2014-01-08 Correspondence received from, Pierre Landry dated 2013-01-08. Re: Division of time on oral argument for both respondents Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2014-01-06 Correspondence received from, 4 reserved seats requested Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2014-01-06 Correspondence received from, request for 10 reserved seats Marilyne Dionne
2013-12-23 Notice of appearance, Denis Lavoie, Graciela Barrère, Pierre Brun and Isabelle Bolla will be present at the hearing. Mr. Lavoie will present oral submissions. Marilyne Dionne
2013-12-23 Notice of change of counsel, Claudine Morin replaces Charles-David Brulotte from the same law firm Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement
2013-12-19 Notice of appearance, Marie-France Bernier and Claude Verge will be present Commission des lésions professionnelles
2013-12-12 Notice of appearance, René Paquette, Paule Veilleux and Yann Bernard will be present at the hearing. Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2013-12-11 Notice of appearance, Pierre-Michel Lajeunesse and Marie-Anne Lecavalier will be present at the hearing. Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
2013-12-05 Notice of appearance, Nathalie Léger and Charles-David Brulotte will be present at the hearing. Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement
2013-12-05 Correspondence received from, 2 reserved seats requested. 3 more seats requested - 2014-01-09 Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement
2013-11-21 Notice of hearing sent to parties
2013-11-19 Appeal hearing scheduled, 2014-01-13, (previously October 8, 2013 and May 24, 2013)
Judgment reserved
2013-07-09 Order by, Cro, FURTHER TO THE ORDER dated April 26, 2013 granting leave to intervene to the Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement and the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail;
IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED THAT the said interveners are each granted permission to present oral argument not exceeding ten (10) minutes at the hearing of the appeal.
2013-07-04 Appeal perfected for hearing
2013-06-28 Respondent's book of authorities, (3 volumes), Completed on: 2013-06-28 Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2013-06-28 Respondent's factum, Completed on: 2013-06-28 Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2013-06-19 Intervener's book of authorities, Completed on: 2013-06-19 Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement
2013-06-19 Intervener's factum, Completed on: 2013-06-19 Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement
2013-06-17 Intervener's book of authorities, (Book Form), Completed on: 2013-06-17 Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
2013-06-17 Intervener's factum, (Book Form), Completed on: 2013-06-17 Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
2013-04-26 Respondent's book of authorities, (2 volumes), Completed on: 2013-04-26 Commission des lésions professionnelles
2013-04-26 Respondent's factum, Completed on: 2013-04-26 Commission des lésions professionnelles
2013-04-26 Order on motion for leave to intervene, (by CROMWELL J.)
2013-04-26 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, Cro, UPON MOTIONS by the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail and the Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement for leave to intervene in this appeal;
AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;
The motion for leave to intervene of the Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement is granted, and the said intervener shall be entitled to serve and file a factum not to exceed 10 pages in length on or before June 21, 2013.
The motion for leave to intervene of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail is granted, but its intervention shall be limited to the interpretation of the definition of the term “worker” in the Act respecting occupational health and safety, R.S.Q., c. S-2.1. The Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail is not authorized to deal with the validity of its decisions. The said intervener shall be entitled to serve and file a factum not to exceed 10 pages in length on or before June 21, 2013.
The request to present oral argument is deferred to a date following receipt and consideration of the written arguments of the parties and the interveners.
The interveners are not entitled to raise new issues or to adduce further evidence or otherwise to supplement the record of the parties.
Pursuant to Rule 59(1)(a) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, the interveners shall pay to the appellant and respondents any additional disbursements occasioned to the appellant and respondents by their interventions

2013-04-26 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, Cro
2013-04-24 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, all parties advising of new tentative hearing date
2013-04-16 Order on motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, (by the CHIEF JUSTICE)
2013-04-16 Decision on motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, CJ, UPON A MOTION by the respondent Commission scolaire des Patriotes to adjourn the hearing of the above-mentioned appeal scheduled for May 24, 2013;
AND UPON A MOTION by the respondent Commission scolaire des Patriotes to extend the time to serve and file its factum, authorities and record to June 28, 2013, and for permission to present oral argument at the hearing of the appeal in spite of Rule 71(3) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada;
AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;
(1) The motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal is granted. The Registrar shall fix the hearing date;
(2) The motion to extend time is granted. The respondent shall serve and file its documents on or before June 28, 2013 and may present oral argument at the hearing of the appeal.
Granted, no order as to costs
2013-04-16 Submission of motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, CJ
2013-04-11 Reply to the motion for leave to intervene, (Letter Form), from Charles-David Brulotte dated Apr. 11/13, Completed on: 2013-04-11 Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement
2013-04-08 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, (Letter Form), from Denis Lavoie dated Apr. 4/13 (by the FSE), Completed on: 2013-04-08 Marilyne Dionne
2013-04-08 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, (Letter Form), from Paule Veilleux dated Apr. 4/13 (by CSST), Completed on: 2013-04-08 Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2013-04-08 Motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal, and to extend time to serve and file the record, factum and authorities, Completed on: 2013-04-08 Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2013-04-02 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, from Denis Lavoie dated March 27/13 (by the CSST), Completed on: 2013-04-02 Marilyne Dionne
2013-03-28 Motion for leave to intervene, Completed on: 2013-03-28 Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement
2013-03-27 Motion for leave to intervene, Completed on: 2013-03-27 Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
2013-03-13 Notice of hearing sent to parties
2013-03-01 Appellant's book of authorities, (6 volumes), Completed on: 2013-03-06 Marilyne Dionne
2013-03-01 Appellant's record, (3 volumes), Completed on: 2013-03-06 Marilyne Dionne
2013-03-01 Appellant's factum, cd missing (rec'd March 6/13), Completed on: 2013-03-06 Marilyne Dionne
2013-02-13 Correspondence received from, Pierre Landry dated Jan 18/13 re: will be acting as agent for the respondent Commission scolaire des patriotes only Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2013-02-11 Letter advising the parties of tentative hearing date and filing deadlines (Leave granted), (Updated)
2013-01-18 Correspondence received from, Alexandra Roy dated January 18, 2013. Re: Acting as agent for the respondent Commission des lésions professionnelles only Commission des lésions professionnelles
2012-12-21 Correspondence received from, Alexandra Roy dated Dec 21/12 re: will be acting as agent for the respondents Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2012-11-26 Letter advising the parties of tentative hearing date and filing deadlines (Leave granted)
2012-11-22 Notice of appeal, Completed on: 2012-11-22 Marilyne Dionne
2012-10-26 Copy of formal judgment sent to Registrar of the Court of Appeal and all parties
2012-10-26 Judgment on leave sent to the parties
2012-10-25 Judgment of the Court on the application for leave to appeal, The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Quebec (Montréal), Number 500-09-020678-108, 2012 QCCA 609, dated April 2, 2012, is granted with costs in the cause.
Granted, with costs in the cause
2012-08-13 All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, F Cro Ka
2012-07-20 Applicant's reply to respondent's argument, Completed on: 2012-07-20 Marilyne Dionne
2012-07-13 Respondent's response on the application for leave to appeal, Completed on: 2012-07-13 Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2012-06-13 Correspondence received from, René Paquette dated June 12, 2012. Re: René Paquette is now counsel for the respondent, replacing Michel Aubry Commission scolaire des Patriotes
2012-06-08 Letter acknowledging receipt of a complete application for leave to appeal
2012-05-31 Application for leave to appeal, Service missing - Rec'd on June 7, 2012, Completed on: 2012-06-08 Marilyne Dionne


Please note that in the case of closed files, the “Status” column reflects the status of the parties at the time of the proceedings. For more information about the proceedings and about the dates when the file was open, please consult the docket of the case in question.

Main parties

Main parties - Appellants
Name Role Status
Dionne, Marilyne Appellant Active


Main parties - Respondents
Name Role Status
Commission scolaire des Patriotes Respondent Active
Commission des lésions professionnelles Respondent Active

Other parties

Other parties
Name Role Status
Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail Intervener Active
Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement Intervener Active


Party: Dionne, Marilyne

Denis Lavoie
Pierre Brun
Graciela Iris Barrère
Melançon, Marceau, Grenier & Sciortino
1717, boul. René-Levesque Est
bureau 300
Montréal, Quebec
H2L 4T3
Telephone: (514) 525-3414
FAX: (514) 525-2803
Marie-France Major
Supreme Advocacy LLP
100- 340 Gilmour Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580

Party: Commission scolaire des Patriotes

René Paquette
Paule Veilleux
Yann Bernard
Julie Samson
Marie-Claude Pichette
Langlois Kronström Desjardins
1002, rue Sherbrooke Ouest
28e étage
Montréal, Quebec
H3A 3L6
Telephone: (514) 282-7826
FAX: (514) 845-6573
Pierre Landry
Noël et Associés, s.e.n.c.r.l.
111, rue Champlain
Gatineau, Quebec
J8X 3R1
Telephone: (819) 503-2178
FAX: (819) 771-5397

Party: Commission des lésions professionnelles

Marie-France Bernier
Claude Verge
Verge Bernier
900, place D'Youville
7e étage
Québec, Quebec
G1R 3P7
Telephone: (418) 643-7129
FAX: (418) 528-6063
Alexandra Roy
Noël et Associés, s.e.n.c.r.l.
111, rue Champlain
Gatineau, Quebec
J8X 3R1
Telephone: (819) 771-7393
FAX: (819) 771-5397

Party: Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail

Pierre Michel Lajeunesse
Marie-Anne Lecavalier
Vigneault Thibodeau Bergeron, avocats
304 - 524, rue Bourdages
Québec, Quebec
G1K 7E2
Telephone: (418) 266-4900 Ext: 5002
FAX: (418) 266-4922
Richard Gaudreau
Bergeron, Gaudreau
88, rue de la Cédrière
Gatineau, Quebec
J9H 2T4
Telephone: (819) 557-0750
FAX: (819) 557-0768

Party: Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement

Claudine Morin
Nathalie Léger
Barabé Casavant
9405, rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, Quebec
H1L 6P3
Telephone: (514) 356-8888
FAX: (514) 356-0990
Marie-France Major
Supreme Advocacy LLP
100- 340 Gilmour Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R3
Telephone: (613) 695-8855 Ext: 102
FAX: (613) 695-8580





Case summaries are prepared by the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (Law Branch). Please note that summaries are not provided to the Judges of the Court. They are placed on the Court file and website for information purposes only.

Administrative law - Standard of review - Labour law - Protective reassignment - Substitute teachers - Contract - Pregnancy - Whether Act respecting occupational health and safety, R.S.Q., c. S-2.1 (AOHS), applicable to appellant despite her unstable employment status in light of objectives of that legislation, its interaction with civil law rules and characteristics of employment relationship in issue - Whether AOHS applicable to appellant having regard to protection against pregnancy-based discrimination afforded by Charter of human rights and freedoms - Applicable standard of review.

The appellant is a [TRANSLATION] “casual substitute teacher” within the meaning of the applicable collective agreement and is on a list maintained by the respondent Commission scolaire (School Board) and used to call up substitute teachers to work when needed. On September 24, 2006, the appellant learned that she was pregnant. She reported her pregnancy to the School Board and declared herself unavailable for work while she checked whether she was immunized against certain contagious diseases. She then sought the appropriate advice from her doctor. On October 23, her doctor issued her a [TRANSLATION] “certificate regarding the protective reassignment of a pregnant worker” because of, inter alia, the risk of contracting Parvovirus B-19. A copy of this certificate was sent to the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST), which informed the appellant on November 3, 2006, that she was eligible for the “For a Safe Maternity Experience” program. On November 27, 2006, the CSST determined that her entitlement to indemnities had begun on November 13, 2006, the first day a substitute teaching position was offered to her, and would end on April 28, 2007, the estimated delivery date. The School Board disagreed with the CSST’s decisions and challenged them, first internally (administrative review), and then before the CLP (contestation). In its view, on October 23, 2006, the day the reassignment certificate was issued, the appellant was not one of its employees, nor did she subsequently become one. It argued that the employment contract of a casual substitute teacher lasts only as long as the substitute teaching assignment.

Lower court rulings

April 20, 2010
Superior Court of Quebec


Motion for judicial review dismissed.

April 2, 2012
Court of Appeal of Quebec (Montréal)

2012 QCCA 609, 500-09-020678-108

Appeal dismissed.

Memorandums of argument on application for leave to appeal

The memorandums of argument on an application for leave to appeal will be posted here 30 days after leave to appeal has been granted unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of the memorandum by filing out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.

If you have questions about a memorandum of argument or want to use a memorandum of argument, please contact the author of the memorandum of argument directly. Their name appears at the end of the memorandum of argument. The contact information for counsel is found in the “Counsel” tab of this page.

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Factums on appeal

The factums of the appellant, the respondent and the intervener will be posted here at least 2 weeks before the hearing unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of factums by filling out the Request for Court records form or by contacting the Court’s Records Centre either by email at or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1‑888‑551‑1185.

If you have questions about a factum or want permission to use a factum, please contact the author of the factum directly. Their contact information appears on the first page of each factum.

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Date modified: 2025-02-27