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Hearings in Winnipeg

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26
Winnipeg Law Courts | 408 York Avenue, Winnipeg

The Supreme Court of Canada visited Winnipeg to hear two appeals and meet with Manitobans and various communities. It was the first time in history the Court sat outside of Ottawa.

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Cases to be heard

R. v. K.G.K. (Manitoba) | Wed., Sept. 25 at 9:30 a.m. (half day)
This case is about the right to a criminal trial within a reasonable time. The Supreme Court has to decide if the time a judge takes to decide a case should count when deciding if a trial is taking too long | Judgment | Webcast of hearing

Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique v. British Columbia (B.C.) | Thurs., Sept. 26 at 9 a.m. (full day)
This case is about language education rights for French speakers in British Columbia. The Supreme Court has to decide what school services B.C. must have for its French-speaking community | Judgment | Webcast of hearing

Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada

Photo credits

Supreme Court of Canada Collection: Justices Abella, Côté and Kasirer – Philippe Landreville, photographer | Justice Karakatsanis – Jessica Deeks Photography | Justices Brown and Rowe – Andrew Balfour Photography

Information about the Supreme Court of Canada

Social media: daily updates from Winnipeg will be posted on the Supreme Court’s Twitter and Facebook (using the hashtag #SCCinWinnipeg) – follow us and use the hashtag in your posts!

On our website:

Did you know?

Practical information for visitors

The Manitoba Courts have a video explaining what to expect when attending court.

The courtroom

During the hearing

Official photography and video

An official photographer will take photos during the hearings. Please note that you may be photographed. Photos may be used on the Court’s social media (Twitter and Facebook) and in publications like the annual Year in Review. They may also be shared with media for publication.

The hearings will be filmed, webcast, and archived on the Supreme Court website.

Use of electronic devices and photography by members of the public

According to the Manitoba Law Courts’ Electronic Devices Policy, members of the public:

The Chief Justice of Manitoba has given permission to take pictures inside the courtroom (and post them online) before and after the hearing. Absolutely no photos can be taken once the judges are in the room or during the hearing. Use the hashtag #SCCinWinnipeg so we can see your posts!

Date modified: 2025-03-10