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Law Clerk program - Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Clerkship applications

What do the judges look for in their law clerks?

Each judge selects up to 3 law clerks per year. This gives judges a considerable amount of flexibility to decide how to best organize their own chambers. All clerks hired at the Court come with a strong academic standing and have excellent research and writing skills in either or both official languages. In addition, the Court as an institution greatly benefits when the law clerks, collectively, can contribute a diversity of perspectives that come from their background and life experience.

Each judge organizes their chambers according to their own needs. Some of those needs are determined by the nature of the work at the Court. The Supreme Court of Canada is a bilingual, bijural institution that hears cases in all areas of the law. As such, clerks must be proficient in 1 official language, but being bilingual can be an asset. Some clerks have training and qualifications in both legal systems, but most clerks are trained in only 1 of the systems. Subject matter expertise can be a consideration in selecting a clerk.

Does the Court aim to achieve regional representation with its cohort of law clerks?

While there is no specific requirement for regional representation, law clerks are hired from across Canada and beyond. Not every law faculty is represented in each year’s cohort. The judges examine all applications that meet the selection criteria and consider the diverse qualities that graduates from different law schools can bring to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Do I need to have prior clerkship experience, have a graduate degree or be a member of the bar to be hired as a law clerk?

No. The judges strive to hire the best possible team for their chambers to benefit from a wide breadth of knowledge and experience. There is a wide range of qualities that make for a good law clerk and judges look for diversity in their chambers. The selection process is highly competitive and having prior experience as a law clerk, holding a graduate degree or being a member of the bar can be an asset. In fact, many successful candidates have clerkship experience prior to clerking at the Supreme Court.

Clerkship term 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026
Applications received 228 229 248 198 187 184
Interviews granted 88 90 92 75 78 88
Total applicants selected to clerk 36 36 36 27 27 27
Of the total applicants selected, those with prior clerking experience 27 (75%) 31 (86.1%) 30 (83.3%) 23 (85.2%) 27 (100%) 25 (92.6%)

Can I apply if I have a degree from a non-Canadian university?

To work as a law clerk, you must have a Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor from a recognized Canadian university or its equivalent. You are responsible for demonstrating that your degree is equivalent to a Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor from a recognized Canadian university. You are not required to have the degree when you apply for the position, but you must have your degree before starting at the Court as a law clerk.

When should I apply?

The law clerk selection process starts with a job advertisement posted on the Court’s website and in the database of the Canada Public Service Commission in October of each year. The deadline to apply for a law clerk position is usually towards the middle of January, following the October advertisement.

Law clerks are selected a year and a half ahead of time. This means that if you apply in January and get selected, you would normally start your clerkship in July or August of the following year.

Can I send my application documents by regular mail?

No. You must submit your application and all required documents, with the exception of your official law school transcript, through the Court’s website. All documents submitted with your application must follow the naming convention set out in the advertisement for the law clerk positions. Your letters of reference must either be included with your application or submitted separately online by the persons who have agreed to provide references. Your university must send your official law school transcripts directly to the Law Clerk Program either by email at or by regular mail. Official law school transcripts sent by third-party accredited providers (for example, MyCreds, Parchment or National Student Clearinghouse) are accepted and must be sent directly by the provider to the Law Clerk Program email.

What type of reference letters are required?

We must receive 4 letters of reference in support of your application. These can be included with your application or submitted directly by your referee prior to the application deadline. Preferably, your references should be from professors of law or legal professionals who have supervised your work. Of these references, 1 may be from the Dean of the faculty where you obtained your law degree. You will be notified by an automatically generated email when a letter of reference has been submitted by your referee through the Court’s website. You will not receive a copy of the letter.

What are the expectations for writing samples?

You must include with your application 2 writing samples in the official language of your choice. Candidates who are proficient in both official languages must include 1 writing sample in English and 1 in French. The writing samples must be between 5 and 10 pages in length and authored entirely by you. There are no specific requirements as to the line spacing, font style or size. Factums produced for court proceedings or a moot court will not be accepted. Published articles or articles submitted for publication are accepted, but excerpts must not exceed the page limit, including any overview, if provided. Research memorandums are accepted, but any confidential or sensitive information must be redacted and, if required, you must seek the approval of the person to whom the research memo was provided before submitting it.

What kind of security clearance do I need?

You do not need to have a government security clearance to apply for a law clerk position. However, if you are selected to clerk, you must successfully pass a Secret-level security clearance to be appointed in the role and maintain it throughout your employment. The Court will provide you with instructions on completing the required forms and submitting your application for assessment.

What are the Court’s policies on diversity, inclusiveness and employment equity?

The Supreme Court of Canada is committed to having inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If you are contacted about a job opportunity or an interview, you should advise the Court in a timely manner of any accommodation measures you need in order to participate fairly and equitably. Information received about accommodation measures will be treated confidentially.

You can indicate on your application if you belong to any of the groups designated under the Employment Equity Act, S.C. 1995, c. 44, including women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities. The Supreme Court of Canada is committed to achieving equitable representation of all employment equity designated groups throughout the organization. However, equity, diversity and inclusion extend beyond those 4 categories. With this in mind, candidates can provide additional information about themselves in their application.

Clerkship interviews

What should I expect for the interviews?

All interviews will be conducted during the week of February 24, 2025. You will be advised by email of the date and time of your interview about 2 weeks before it is scheduled to take place.

The judges of the Court conduct all interviews by MS Teams, either individually or in groups, or as part of a selection committee. Each interview will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

You will need a stable internet connection, preferably a dedicated wired high-speed internet connection to participate in the interview.

Clerkship offers

When does the Supreme Court make its offers?

The judges select successful candidates at the end of the interview week or soon after. Typically, other Canadian appellate-level courts make their offers shortly thereafter. A formal letter of offer will be sent a few months before the start of clerkship and only after you have received your security clearance.

Terms and conditions of employment

When do the clerkships start and end?

Law clerks arrive in 2 cohorts, with the first group starting at the end of July and the second in mid-August. Most clerkships last for 1 year, but a few candidates may be appointed for 2 years, depending on the operational needs of the Chambers. Applicants interested in clerking for 2 years can indicate so in their application. Applicants who are not considering a 2-year term are not disadvantaged during the selection process.

What are the salary and benefits?

Law clerks are term employees with the federal public service at the LP-00 level.

The current salary is $83,765 annually.

Law clerks are entitled to leave and other benefits, including the following:

Does the Supreme Court cover the cost of relocation?

The Court provides law clerks a lump-sum payment to assist with relocation to Ottawa when appointed and relocation from Ottawa when their term is finished. The amount paid is based on the distance of relocation and the number of dependents, and is a taxable benefit.

Does the Supreme Court cover the cost of the bar admission course?

The Court does not cover the cost of the bar admission course. However, an allowance of $500 is given to each law clerk to cover expenses related to continuing legal education (CLE) activities during their clerkship. This allowance can be applied to the payment of articling and law society fees incurred during a law clerk’s term, purchase of legal textbooks, fees for online legal resources or membership fees of organizations that provide CLE trainings to its members.

Law society requirements

Does clerking at the Supreme Court of Canada satisfy the bar’s articling requirement?

Not all law societies recognize service as a law clerk as fulfilling all or part of their articling requirements. You are responsible for verifying articling requirements with the law society of the jurisdiction in which you intend to seek admission to the practice of law.

The clerking experience

When do I find out who I will be working with?

You will know which judge you will be working with shortly after the interview week, when the Court makes its offers.

What kind of training do clerks get?

All law clerks receive training on a wide variety of subjects, including security procedures, IT and library services, professional conduct, Court operations and the judgment process. Their judge will also give them specific direction on what work they expect from them. In addition, law clerks are offered the opportunity to attend second language classes during their clerkship.

What type of work do clerks do?

Law clerks work as part of a team. During their time at the Court, law clerks will work closely with their judge, the other clerks, the lawyers, the jurilinguists and many other staff who participate in Court operations.

Working in close collaboration with their judge, clerks can expect to review case files, prepare bench memos, research specific legal issues before and after hearings, discuss and analyze the legal issues emerging from the cases with their judge, comment on draft judgments circulated by judges from other chambers, assist in the preparation and editing of judgments and assist in the preparation of papers and speeches.

Each judge’s chamber functions independently, with the goal of reaching the best result with the best reasons in every case. Law clerks are professionals who are expected to organize their time to provide the services required by the judge. The work can be challenging but comes with unique intellectual rewards.

What opportunities do clerks have to attend educational seminars?

During their term, law clerks are encouraged to invite speakers to meet with them in an informal “fireside chat” setting. This gives law clerks an opportunity to meet with prominent members of the legal community.

Law clerks are also encouraged to attend recognized continuing legal education activities. An allowance of $500 is given to each law clerk to reimburse expenses related to these activities during their clerkship.

Post-clerkship opportunities

What sorts of things do clerks do after leaving the Court?

Clerking at the Supreme Court of Canada can open the door to many professional opportunities. Former law clerks have found employment with reputable law firms, corporations, organizations and universities in Canada and abroad, and a variety of government departments and agencies. Many pursue graduate studies at prestigious universities in Canada and abroad.

Date modified: 2025-03-10